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Review - Grand Hyatt San Francisco

Grand Hyatt San Francisco

July 1st, 2021


After a short Uber ride (20mins) from SFO, we arrived at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco. I booked this hotel because I heard good things about it, but to be quite honest, I was skeptical. I’ve stayed at a few Grand Hyatts before, from DC to Singapore and in between, and none was memorable.

When we pulled up to the hotel entrance, two bellmen immediately came over to open the car door and offered to assist with our luggage, which we politely declined as we were just traveling with carry-ons. A few quick exchanges of cordiality, we were directed to the front desk. People in California sure were friendly.


The hotel was renovated a few years back, and the lobby felt trendy and understated. Check-in was quick. I believe the rooms with a bay view were considered more premium. After my enquiry, however, it turned out those don’t necessarily face the Golden Gate Bridge, so we decided on a city view room facing the Transamerica Pyramid.


Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Foyer

To the right of the foyer was some kind of art that I had no appreciation for… Then immediately in front was the king size bed. I guess most of the times you go through a bathroom to get to the bedroom, so the layout of this room made me go “wow this bed is right in my face”.

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Bedroom

Across from the bed were the TV wall and a desk.

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room TV Wall

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Desk

By the window was an armchair with an ottoman, paired with a view of downtown San Francisco in the background.

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Lounger

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room View

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room View

Given our room was a corner room, there was also a little powder area on the opposite side of the closet.

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Powder Area

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Closet

Lastly was the bathroom, with a shower/tub combo.

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Bathroom

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Bathroom

Grand Hyatt San Francisco One King City View Room Bathroom

The bathroom was perfectly fine, even though I generally prefer a shower to a tub. Toiletries provided were from Balmain, which I was a bit surprised by. I didn’t like the scent of it one bit, but I have to give credits to the hotel for at least trying.


For a city business hotel, I thought Grand Hyatt San Francisco overdelivered. The room was somewhat modern and clean, and the staff were friendly. Admittedly we didn’t spend much time in the room, but I wouldn't mind staying here again if I’m ever back in SF. I hope not though, SF is not really my cup of tea lol.